Climbing using Electroadhesion, Sci.Rob. 2018
- Harvard Gazette: Robots with sticky feet can go where humans can’t
- WIRED: A bug-like robot uses electricity to walk upside down
- Cosmos: Robotic creepy-crawlies climb walls
- TechXplore: Robots with sticky feet can climb up, down, and all around
- DailyMail: Dancing on the ceiling!
- Futurism: Watch a tiny gecko-like robot climb upside down
- TechRadar: Harvard's bug-sized robot uses electric feet to explore tiny spaces upside-down
- ECN:
- New Atlas: Harvard's sticky-footed inspection robot can climb through jet engines
- VentureBeat: Harvard’s bugbot now walks up walls
- Science Daily: Robots with sticky feet can climb up, down, and all around
HAMR: Industry Collaboration 2018
- Rolls-Royce: Swarm Robots
- Futurism: Rolls-Royce is building cockroach-like robots to fix plane engines
- CNBC: Rolls-Royce is developing tiny 'cockroach' robots to crawl in and fix airplane engines
- New Atlas: Rolls-Royce is building robot roaches and snakes to repair airplane engines
- Telegraph: Rolls-Royce tests cockroach-like robots that help repair plane engines
- TechCrunch: Rolls-Royce demonstrates robotic bugs as the future of engine maintenance
- Engadget: Rolls-Royce may use bug-like robots to assist airplane engine repair
- Weekly Observer: Why Rolls Royce is developing a cockroach robot
- Creat Digital: These tiny ‘cockroach’ robots could be the future of engine maintenance
- Reuters: Rolls-Royce looks to robot snakes and beetles for engine upkeep
- TechNews: Rolls-Royce wants the cockroaches to repair the airplane engines/
- iMechE: Cockroach-style inspection bots will scuttle inside Rolls-Royce engines
- TechSpot: Rolls-Royce turns to robotic insects and snakes for future aircraft maintenance
Mechanically Mediated Transitions, JRSI 2018 [project page]
- Berkeley News: Cockroach-inspired robot is no crash-test dummy
- New York Times: How Cockroaches Crash Into Walls and Keep Going
- Science News: Watch this cockroach-inspired robot try to walk through walls
- LiveScience: There's a Reason Roaches Love Banging Their Heads Into Walls
- Express(UK): Robot COCKROACHES 'climb walls' as scientists celebrate ROBOTICS breakthrough
- Popular Mechanics: With 'Elegant' Cockroaches as Models, Scientists Build Robots That Crash and Keep Climbing
- Cosmos: Making robot roaches run into walls
- Scimex: Robotic roaches run headlong into walls without damage
- TechXplore: Teaching robots to climb walls by mimicking the cockroach headbutt
- SFGate: UC Berkeley researchers create terrifying robot-cockroach
- CrunchSci: Cockroaches intentionally hit their heads to better run up walls
- Current Biology: Teaching robots to climb walls by mimicking the cockroach headbutt
- NewsBuzz: Trilobites: How Cockroaches Crash Into Walls and Keep Going
- ScienceNewsforStudents: Cool Jobs: The art of paper folding is inspiring science
- Digital Trends: Spirit animals: 9 revolutionary robots inspired by real-world creatures
- Cockroaches Crash Into Walls To Escape Faster
- Daily News: How cockroaches crash into walls and keep going
- Fox News: UC Berkeley researches design cockroach inspired robot
- USA News: How cockroaches crash into walls and keep going
- New York Post: These mechanical ‘cockroaches’ could be the future of robotics
- Daily Cal: UC Berkeley researchers build wall-climbing robot based on cockroaches
- YCombinator: Cockroach Transitions by Crashing
- Albanian Times: Cockroach Inspired Robotics Discovered At California University
- 7 News Plus: How Cockroaches Crash Into Walls and Keep Going
- Hindu: “Crash” course from cockroaches
- NewsBuzz: Trilobites: How Cockroaches Crash Into Walls and Keep Going
HAMR: Autonomous Locomotion, BB 2017/ IROS 2017
- Harvard News: A cockroach-inspired robot
- Wyss News: Meet HAMR, the Cockroach-Inspired Robot
- IEEE Spectrum: You Can't Touch Harvard's New Ambulatory MicroRobot
- DFRobot: The Harvard Ambulatory MicroRobot (HAMR) Moves Super Fast
- TechXplore: Cockroach-inspired Ambulatory MicroRobot is speedy, resilient and versatile
- Digital Trends: Harvard’s insect-inspired HAMR robot scuttles like a cockroach on meth
- Disruptor Daily: Harvard’s Cockroach-Inspired HAMR MicroRobot Attains Full Autonomous Ambulation
- Hackster: Harvard Is Pushing Boundries with This Tiny Cockroach-Inspired Robot
- Electronics 360: Cockroach Robot Can Run, Jump, Climb and Fall from Great Distances Without Getting Hurt
Confined Space Locomotion, PNAS 2016 [project page]
- Berkeley News: Cockroach inspires robot that squeezes through cracks
- New York Times: Cockroaches: Indestructible, and Instructive to Robot Makers
- Science News: Why is it so hard to squash a cockroach?
- Nature News: Biomechanics: Cockroaches inspire robot
- IEEE Spectrum: Exoskeleton Makes Robotic Roach Flexibly Squishy
- Atlantic: Why You Can't Keep Cockroaches Out of Your Home
- National Geographic: Amazing Video Reveals Why Cockroaches Are So Hard to Squish
- Army Research Labs: Cockroach-inspired robotics research supported by the Army opens ...
- BBC: Cockroach robots to the rescue
- Discovery: Teaching robots to climb walls by mimicking the cockroach headbutt
- CNET: Creep-tastic cockroach robot refuses to be squished
- Gizmodo: Roach-like Mini Robots To Help In Future Rescue Operations
- ARS Technica: Researchers squish cockroaches in order to design a robot
- Slash Gear: Robo-roach takes search and rescue tips from maligned pest
- LiveScience: In a Tight Spot? Robo-Roach Can Flatten Itself to Help
- Daily Beast: Why Scientists Want to Study Robot Roaches
- Los Angeles Times: If you can't squish 'em, join 'em: Scientists build cockroach robot
- CBS San Francisco: Creepy Cockroach Robots Could Save Your Life Someday
- ABC: Cockroach-inspired robot could help save disaster victims
- Verge: This robot cockroach could eventually help search-and-rescue teams ...
- Slate: Why Cockroaches Are So Difficult to Crush
- The Independant, UK: Scientists create robotic cockroach to search disaster areas
- MIT Technology Review: This Uncrushable Robot Cockroach Just Wants to Rescue You
- Mashable: Creepy cockroaches inspire potentially life-saving robot
- Inside Unmanned Systems: Researchers Looking to Cockroaches to Inspire Robot Design
- Telegraph, UK: Robot cockroach swarms could be released to find earthquake victims
- The Insider: CRAM Robo roaches for disaster recovery
- Defense One: The Army Has Made a Robot Cockroach
- Science Explorer: This Cockroach Robot Can Sneak Through Gaps Half Its Size
- Mental Floss: Cockroach Un-Squashability Inspires Robots That Can Squeeze ...
- Boston HeraldAn icky new hero: Roach-like robots may help in disasters
- Huffington Post: Cockroaches Are Even Faster, Tougher and Ickier Than We Thought
- Strait Times: Cockroach-inspired robots can squeeze through cracks
- Christian Science Monitor: Robo-roach to the rescue? Creepy bugs inspire lifesaving technology ...
- Livemint: Snug as a bug: the hated cockroach inspires a helpful robot
- Mirror, UK: Meet the ROBOT COCKROACH that can squeeze through tiny gaps to ...
- NDTV, India: Cockroach-Inspired Robots Can Squeeze Through Cracks
- IB Times: Not all cockroaches deserve to be crushed to death
- PC Mag: Robot Cockroaches to the Rescue? - Robotics and Automation
Introducing Robustness, TED 2015 (presented by Prof. Bob Full)
Mechanically Mediated Transitions, SICB 2010 [project page]
- Science News: Racing crash-happy cockroaches